Movie Trailer Similarity for Recommendation

Intro In a previous post, we discussed scraping a movie poster image corpus with genre labels from imdb and learning image similarity models using tensorflow. In this post, we extend this idea to recommend movie trailers based on audio-visual similarity. Data We started by scraping IMDB for movie trailers and their genre tags as labels. Using Scrapy, it is easy to build a text file of video links to then download with youtube-dl....

 · 4 min · Terry Rodriguez & Salma Mayorquin

TF-Ranking and BERT for Movie Recommendations

Check out our repo for all the code referenced in this blog! Recommender systems are used by many groups to maximize the presentation of products to users. There is a variety of implementations for building recommender systems, but at their core, these systems are designed to sort a universe of items by their relevance to a user based on user information, item information, or both. One well known algorithm for solving the sorting problem is the Learn-to-Rank model, where the objective is to rank a list of examples by each item’s relevance to a particular user....

 · 6 min · Terry Rodriguez & Salma Mayorquin