Turtlebot open-sourced designs for many low-cost, personal robot kits and the Burger is a great platform to learn ROS and mobile robotics.
The documentation progresses from setup to more advanced robot behavior including SLAM, navigation, autonomous driving and more!
Our Build Since the turtlebot3 burger kit doesn’t include a camera, we added the OAK-FFC-3P camera made by Luxonis with a 100 degree Arducam to our build. This device includes deep learning accelerators on the camera so we can reduce the compute needs on the raspberry pi host....
Check out this repo to see how we’ve applied it.
While building our home garden controller, Kindbot, the chief objective was to maintain ideal environmental conditions. Plants thrive under stable temperatures which is often a challenge for those running powerful grow lights in a small space.
Let’s consider a generic microcontroller connected to a environmetal sensor breakout. Furthermore, let’s assume you can control a heating/cooling appliance via the microcontroller’s GPIO pins or through communication with a smart plug over the LAN....
Alexa works well for information retrieval tasks and controlling devices on your wireless home networks. We want to use the home network to track our valuables or keys. We’ll hack cheap bluetooth low energy beacons for the network range and battery longevity and build a smart application so that Alexa knows where we left the keys.
Hacking Bluetooth beacons We’ll start by exploring what we can do with cheap bluetooth beacons....